© ñuaccents2014
Teatro Interactivo en Inglés Ñu Accents Interactive Theatre in English
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   Más de 95.000 niñas y niños en la Comunidad de Madrid han aprendido inglés con Ñu.
Teatro interactivo en inglés para niños en colegios y escuelas infantiles
/Interactive theatre in English for kids in schools and kindergartens
The kids meet a flower who loves to sing and dance. They learn and sing the “Hello song” with the flower miming the activities with the flower (running, jumping, singing, dancing). A farmer comes and stops the flower doing things that flowers don’t do. The flower is sad because he or she doesn’t have any friends. The farmer offers to grow some friends. He shows the flower how to plant a seed and grow a flower. Then they grow fruit and vegetables with the kids being the fruit and vegetables. Other kids come out to water the fruit and vegetables. When the flower has some friends they sing and dance together and then they learn and sing the “Goodbye” song. Wave goodbye.
It’s a baby flower!!!