© ñuaccents2014
Teatro Interactivo en Inglés Ñu Accents Interactive Theatre in English
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   Más de 95.000 niñas y niños en la Comunidad de Madrid han aprendido inglés con Ñu.
Teatro interactivo en inglés para niños en colegios y escuelas infantiles
/Interactive theatre in English for kids in schools and kindergartens
The Three Little Pigs
Our actors want to be animals: a wolf and a cow. The wolf is hungry. Why doesn’t the cow tell the story of the forest? The wolf can go to the forest and eat the animals. In the forest there are trees, a river and a bridge. The wolf tries to hunt a rabbit, a bird and some fish ... but they all escape him. He’s still hungry. Oh, why doesn’t the cow tell the story of the three little pigs? Ah yes, we all know that story. But the pigs in this story are your kids. Oh no! Will the wolf eat them? Don’t worry, we always have a happy ending.